Looking for a top-notch Transport Service?
Looking for a top-notch Transport Service?
We understand certain shipments can call for that extra safety net. We’ve got you covered for your freight insurance needs.
Express and quality service for ALL your logistic needs.
Dedicated to get the job done anywhere and anytime. We offer 24/7/365 services for your peace of mind.
Let’s say your normal carrier has an unfortunate mishap while moving freight. The work still must be done within a certain time frame. You’re going to need someone to help keep the order moving back on the road to its destination. DM International is dedicated to you and will do whatever it takes to get you back and moving immediately.
Are you interested in a transportation service you can depend on? We make it a point to ensure you get the highest quality service around the clock.
Our 24 hour dispatch services are set apart from the rest by our professional team of experienced dispatchers. Every member of our team is highly skilled, work is timely, and satisfaction is guaranteed!
We take pride in every aspect of our company and work hard to provide transportation services to any location in the U.S. and Canada. We invest the necessary time in communication and preparation within our team to guarantee safe and timely arrival of all freight.
We offer a variety of logistics support services:
DM International can offer our customers air solutions in order to meet all your time sensitive transportation needs and more:
Air charter: US/ Canada